Monday, February 6, 2012


Not a big fan of Madonna, Victoria Beckham or Emmanuelle Alt, but I truly love Madonna's Super Bowl Halftime outfits designed by Givenchy and the Cover of this Months i-D Magazine with Victoria Beckham, doesn't she look great, I think this is the best picture I've seen of her so far and the video featuring Emmanuelle Alt, the new editor-in-chief for the French Vogue, for the relaunch of the French Vogue's new website.... it's editrix-in-chic recruited Anja Rubik, Kendra Spears, Karmen Pedaru and Jasmine Tooks to back her up in feat of lip-synching in a pitch-perfect parody of Wham!'s "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go." You should all check out the video, it's pretty cool..... REALLY!
